Our Story
Ron and Heather have a God given passion to see lives changed and healed all over the world by the gifting of evangelism and missions. Ron, a minister and evangelist, has been in full time ministry for over 27 years. Heather carries a heart for the ministry as she ministers in music and is involved in SSC's worldwide.
Ron ministers from his heart as he shares his testimony, including: the pain and healing of cancer, abuse and rejection, multiple near death experiences, 4 fractured vertebrae, failed double disc fusion surgery, as well walking through his daughter Taylor's life long battle with a rare, incurable disease that created multiple tumors in her brain, heart and kidney. In addition, Ron and Heather experienced many years of unexplained infertility including five losses. Through all of the pain, Ron and Heather have experienced the miraculous healing power of Jesus Christ in their lives many times.
In 2018, God saw fit for Ron and Heather to be on a new journey as they became foster parents. In August 2020, as they continued their journey of fostering, God placed a baby girl in their home. Little did they know the bigger plan that God had in store for them. In 2021, Ron and Heather had the immense joy of adopting that sweet baby girl! On November 16, 2021, Hartley was officially adopted by Ron and Heather. Praise the Lord for answered prayers!
Even though the enemy has tried to stop Ron by using unbelievable attacks against him physically, spiritually, and emotionally, He has stayed committed to his Identity in Christ and ultimately that is what has decided his Destiny as a World-wide Evangelist and Co-Author of the Book "Mirror Mender" (Written about Ron's life and testimony).
Genesis 50:20 (NIV)
“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
Through his travels, Ron has been exposed to numerous situations which can only be attributed to God's saving power. Ron Rhoads Ministries is involved in approximately forty & fifty different events each year, including revivals, crusades, international events, retreats, camps, conventions, and more. In each and every event, Ron longs to encourage the believer and reach the lost, that they might come to repentance. God has opened doors for Ron to travel extensively to
6 Continents, 55 Countries and 45 States and continues to receive new invitations all the time.
A major emphasis of Ron Rhoads Ministries is Soccer Salvation Camps and Crusades. These camps are a specific focus of the ministry. Each year in countries around the world, unreached children are given the opportunity to participate in a soccer salvation camp while hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Each night our ministry hosts a city-wide crusade to reach their entire family, friends and the public.
Ron and Heather currently live in Central Pennsylvania with their daughter Hartley. Ron's oldest daughter, Taylor resides in Texas. The Rhoads' have a deep desire and heart for the lost no matter where they may live! As God continues to open doors, they will be faithful to step through each one. No matter where the invitation comes from they have always said Yes!
Ron Rhoads Ministries, Inc. Board of Directors
Ron Rhoads, President
Andy Nelson, Director
Pam Mellinger , Director
Judy Springfield, Secretary/Treasurer